Bonus Episode! After School Meltdowns

Back to school is ALWAYS hard on kids and parents. The transitions, change, new expectations, all make this time taxing on little one's growing brains and bodies. And you can expect this to be even more intense this year. I'm hearing from parents from all over the world, in all different learning settings, that this time is really challenging.

I'm here to help! In this "Back to School" Edition of the podcast we will explore WHY after school meltdowns happen and HOW to help our kiddos (and ourselves).

Don't forget to share the show on Instagram and tag me @laurafroyenphd! 

Here is an overview of what I will be talking about:

1. Causes of your child's after school meltdowns:

  • It is developmental. Your kids, no matter how old, may have a hard time regulating themselves at school or attending virtual classes. And it takes a lot of regulation and executive functioning to stay quiet and stay seated, to focus on screens so long AND navigate new social interactions and norms. It is EXAUSTING for their sweet little brains and bodies.

  • You are a safe place for them. You are the person that they know who will love them even if they act unlovable. And so they unload on you and show you all the sides of themselves they've been pushing down all day.

2. Three things to do when meltdowns happen:

  • Shift your mindset - These meltdowns are not personal but they're developmental. Allow your kids to have these meltdowns because it can be very healthy and healing for them. They NEED it and they need YOU to help them co-regulate.

  • Figure out how to restock their self-regulation stores. Do they need a snack and water? Do they need a giggle fest or a wrestling match? Do they need a big cry or a warm bath?

  • Hold space for their big feelings. Just accept them and love them.

Ok, so now it's your turn to tell me: How has the start of the school year gone for you?

And if this episode helps you, please do a screen-grab video of your favorite bit and share it on Instagram and tag me.

Parents everywhere need to know they aren't alone in experiencing these after school meltdowns and they NEED these strategies! Sharing really helps get the word out!

And, if you're interested in helping your kids develop more self regulation, check out this new freebie I made for you! It has my absolute favorite games for helping kids build impulse control and executive functioning. These things are like muscles and the more we practice them the easier they get, leaving kids better equipped to handle the stress and demands of school.

Grab your copy here!