Episode 25: After A Fight - How to Repair and Reconnect

We've all been there. What starts out as a simple disagreement gets away from us. We get angry or triggered, we say things we don't mean. And now we feel misunderstood and disconnected. It's so hard in that moment to know what to do to bridge that gap, to make up, to reconnect. But it is SO IMPORTANT that you do.

Because fights and arguments are inevitable. No matter what you do, there will be instances where you and your partner disagree because you're human and that's part of being in a long-term relationship with someone! In fact, research tells us that successful couples and couples that break up have the same amount of disagreements, on average, but the WAY successful couples disagree is different. And one thing that successful couples consistently do is repair and reconnect after a disagreement.

So in this episode, join me as I share the strategies to repair and reconnect with your partner after you've had a fight.

Here’s an overview of what I will be talking about:

1. How to nurture resilient relationships:

  • Preventive Maintenance - If the relationship is important to you, then you have to invest in filling your emotional bank account with positivity. So that when things get hard, you have a positive relationship to fall back on.

    • My relationship building game: Random Acts of Connection is a great way to do that! DOWNLOAD IT HERE.

  • Take a break - Recognize that your body needs it and accept it. During these breaks, calm and soothe your nervous system.

  • Apologize - I'll teach you how to apologize the "right" way!

2. How to reconnect after a fight:

  • Talk to your partner and determine the best way for you to reconnect

  • Know your partner’s love language

  • Reaffirm your commitment with one another


Do you still find yourself having the same disagreements over and over, without actually resolving anything? Let me help you GAIN CLARITY, UNDERSTANDING, AND START COMMUNICATING with your partner through my course PARTNERS IN PARENTING.


​The course starts on October 1st, and since this is the first time I've offered the course you can get in now at a great price.