Episode 219: Working with Our Negative Thought Patterns for More Ease and Calm with Darcy Harbour

In this episode of The Balanced Parent Podcast, we’ll dive into how to work with the thoughts and stories that arise during overwhelming parenting moments. When emotions run high, our minds race, making it difficult to pause and respond with intention. Joining us for this conversation is family counselor and mom of three, Darcy Harbour. 

Here’s a summary of what we discussed:

  • How parents can stay present and manage overwhelming emotions during their children's big emotional moments

  • How parents can identify the underlying beliefs and stories driving their reactive emotions

  • Setting realistic expectations for parents in managing their emotions, both in the moment and through ongoing self-work

  • How parents can work with their thoughts and beliefs without needing to deeply analyze their past

  • How to create flexibility in our thinking by recognizing thoughts as interpretations rather than absolute truths

  • How parents can proactively prepare for emotionally triggering situations rather than only processing them reactively

  • How parents can model mindful thinking and emotional regulation for their children in the moment

  • How parents can support their tweens in recognizing and challenging their negative or limiting beliefs

  • How to navigate the ongoing process of releasing deeply ingrained belief models that no longer serve us

If you found Darcy’s insights valuable, don’t forget to check out her website darcyharbourcounselling.ca and follow her on Instagram @darcyharbourcounselling and Facebook @darcyharbourcounselling

Remember, you don’t have to believe every thought—reshaping inner narratives fosters present, flexible, and self-compassionate parenting.