Episode 113: How to Support Your Kiddo With A New Sibling with Hannah & Kelty of Upbringing

So, I know you know that nothing is ever just one thing, that we are constantly in a place of "both/and" but I have to tell you, it was really hard to see that in the early days of being a parent.

​If you've ever wondered what my transition to parenthood was like, or want to hear about the bumpiest part of my journey raising two kiddos, I'd love to have you check out this week's episode of The Balanced Parent podcast, where I sat down with my friends and colleagues Hannah & Kelty of @Upbringing.co to get a bit raw and vulnerable about those hard days, what we learned, and how we can support you.

​Even if you're out of the baby years, there is wisdom in this chat for you!

​However, if you do have a little one, or are expecting one or are planning to grow your family, keep scrolling!!

​Check them out on InstagramYouTube, and Pinterest!

When you have a baby, it’s so easy to get confused by all the conflicting advice.

You know you want to be ‘attached’ to your baby, but what does that even mean? Does it mean you have to ‘wear’ them all the time and make sure you run to them whenever they cry?

If you sleep train, will your baby be scarred for life?

And how can you get them to play independently so you can have a moment to yourself?!

My colleagues Jen of Your Parenting Mojo and Hannah & Kelty of Upbringing have come together to develop a course for expecting parents and those with children under age 1 called Right From The Start.

Right From The Start will help you to:

  • Understand what scientific research says about baby's sleep, attachment, feeding and other essential topics

  • Know that you're doing the best you can for your baby's development

  • Find your sense of yourself again (or maintain it if you're not yet a parent)

  • Let go of the overwhelm and worry that there isn't enough of you to go around

  • Find support and strength in a community of like-minded parents and parents-to-be

Through nine modules on topics like sleep, feeding, attachment, and play, Jen, Hannah & Kelty, tell you about what the scientific research says on each topic and then help you to find the right path for you and your baby (rather than following prescriptions about what you should and shouldn’t do).

And it isn’t just content: you also get access to a supportive community of parents who are on this journey with you, and *four group coaching* calls with Jen, Hannah, and/or Kelty to answer all your questions.

Does this sound like something you need in your life? (If you’re expecting, you probably don’t yet realize how much you need this in your life - trust me, you’re going to wish you had this after baby is born!)

​The course is available now, and doors close on April 13th!

Reviews from previous participants have been great.

As a second-time Mum, Right From The Start provided a great dose of reality, grounded in research which gave me both great ideas to inform my parenting choices and above all an incredible sense of support and genuine, vulnerable connection with other parents having the same kinds of challenges, fears, and doubts as I do. This sense of community has also helped me finally become more capable of self-compassion as I navigate what I consider to be the hardest job anyone will ever do.” 
- Claire B.

“The ‘Right from the Start’ course has been a wonderful way to connect with other parents to think through perspective shifts in our parenting and also to get support through the tough newborn stage. I was already aware of “respectful parenting” approaches and practiced them with my first child. This course was a good refresher and provided new ideas for ways of approaching my parenting that helped me feel more sane while caring for two kids at home in a pandemic!”

I so appreciated the opportunity to learn from Jen, Hannah and Kelty as they have thought so deeply about how we can show up better for our kids, I am constantly learning from them. I would highly recommend the course to anyone expecting a new baby - I’m planning on gifting it to my brother and sister-in-law when the time comes.
- Shannon M.

Want to get all this information, support, and community?

​​Click here to sign learn more about Right From The Start.

​Doors are open now until April 13th

​Drop me a comment if you have any questions, or reach out directly to Jen, Hannah, & Kelty at support@yourparentingmojo.com.