Episode 43: Make Play Your Parenting Superpower!

As we enter the last stretch of our month-long focus on play, I wanted to leave you with some super practical, easy to put into action tips for how to take your play with your child to the next level.

We just had a tough year because of the pandemic and this is still a stressful time. We've been dealing with a lot of changes and kids CAN have a tough time processing these things too. And if you are noticing changes in their play, I want you to know that you don't have to worry.

Play is children's language. It's their natural way that they communicate. It's the way that they process and it's the way that they learn best.

These behaviors that you're noticing are their means to communicate and cope with the stresses. And so in this episode, we will be talking about play and how it is important for your kids and their healing process.

​Here are concrete things you can do with your kids to help them through their play during these times.

  • Provide access to open-ended materials for your kids to play where they can use it for a lot of different things allowing them to be creative and in control.

Three categories:

  1. Real Life Play Materials e.g. cooking instruments, school supplies, and baby dolls

  2. Power Play Materials will allow the themes of being in power and aggression in their play

  3. Creative Play Materials like art, craft, and building materials

  • Become a play master. Know when to step back, be their assistant, and let them be the director of their play. One skill that will help you is to use the "Stage Whisper" Approach. Just simply whisper to them what you should do!

  • Reframe your mindset. Shift your lenses when you see your child being bossy to them having good leadership skills during play.

  • Be present. YOU are the most important piece in helping kids process big emotions.

I know that some of these things might be difficult for you or you may have trouble shifting your lenses towards play. But, I also want you to know that you're not alone. We're all in this together!

​Let me know your thoughts and experiences by shooting me a message on Instagram.