Episode 13: Getting to the Root Cause of Misbehavior & Helping Kids Get on a Different Path

In this episode I sit down with my colleague and kindred spirit Marlene Spence, parent educator and child behavior strategist. We discuss how to figure out what a child's behavior is communicating to you and then how to support them in meeting your expectations. We also discuss what positive reinforcement REALLY means, and how to use it in a way that doesn't undermine your respectful parenting goals. 

Wondering what’s next?

Well, if you are ready to take the next step in your respectful parenting journey, if you’re wanting to get super clear on what exactly positive or peaceful parenting is and how it can change your family for the better; I want to invite you to my free training happening next week.


You can find links to all of Marlene's social media accounts, websites, and upcoming workshops below:


www.Rewardum.com (Her amazing modular, restickable schedule system!)


IG- @cornerstonefs
IG- @rewardums
And register for her workshops that she mentioned! CLICK HERE!